Latest Conditions
Guide's Report
Snowfall 24hrs
Snowfall 7 Days
Snow Depth
Updated daily to highlight current ski conditions.
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2025 | Observations taken at 1950m / 6398 ft
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Guest Tips:
- Layering is the best way to stay comfortable all day. It's better to be too warm to start than too cold, as you can ditch layers into your pack as you warm up. Bring a good base layer, mid layer, and neck warmer to protect your face from rotor wash at pickups!
- Let's make your journey here as smooth as possible. Heli transfer from an airport direct to the lodge, or hop in our company shuttle in Kelowna and head to staging, stress-free!
- Packing is an art. Don't forget your bathing suit for the hot tubs and comfortable lounge wear for apres!
- Limber up, and stay strong with Mica Fit.